
计划、预算 & 评估

Butte College uses its Multi-year, Integrated 规划 System (MIPS) and its annual 计划、预算, 和评估(PBA)过程,以保持其对学生学习的关注,并调整其系统以实现这一目标. A key input into this process are external plans and priorities such as federal requirements, the Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success, and the results of internal and external assessments.

多年的, Integrated 规划 System (MIPS) links the college's long-term, 情景, and annual planning processes into an integrated system. 的 college's 策划及预算委员会 reviews MIPS each year and updates it as necessary. 的 MIPS流程图 provides a graphical representation and a text description of the MIPS components.






Butte College Integrated Plan 2017-19
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
基金会 Fundraising Plan 2018-2019

规划, 预算和评估(PBA)流程是学院用于联系其年度计划的机制, 预算 and assessment efforts.  这样做的目的是确保学院将重点放在实施其制度举措上, 计划为预算提供信息, and that assessment efforts drive planning.  

PBA工艺流程图 provides a graphic representation of the PBA process to include activities, 时间线, and how each of these activities is integrated. 的文字描述 text description of the PBA process provides details on each step of the process.


MIPS和PBA流程之间的一个关键连接点是对学院年度报告的审查和改进 战略方向.  战略方向是学院实施其战略举措的年度战略. 作为PBA流程的一部分,它每年都会更新,部门在制定部门计划时,需要将其未来发展战略与战略方向联系起来.

为了给学院提供重点,战略方向的某些目标被指定为 战略方向及主题 对于即将到来的一年. 的se institutional themes are developed by the 教育总体规划ning Committee, approved by the constituent groups, and approved by the 策划及预算委员会.

在教育总体规划委员会审查和完善战略方向的同时,它也审查和完善学院的战略方向 Standards and Goals for Student Achievement. 的se are approved using the same process as 战略方向 and institutional priorities.

每年, programs and areas develop 单元计划 based on 战略方向, 项目评审结果, institutional assessments, and 程序数据. 的 单位规划指引 描述当前流程,以包括通过单元规划生成的资源请求的一般优先级. 对于发生在2014-2015年的过程,学院提供了申请和优先资助项目的指导 其他资金来源.

环境扫描 provides internal and external factors that should be considered during planning.

定期, 计划更新 are provided to make the campus community awareness of external changes that will affect planning, 新数据的可用性, and the current status of planning initiatives.


每年, the Leadership Teams review state priorities and initiatives, 战略方向, 以及前一年的活动和对额外资源的请求,以获得来自单位计划的额外或新的资金. 行政副总裁根据来自州和地方的最新信息审查和制定收入和支出方案. 的 策划及预算委员会 reviews and, if necessary, recommends revisions to the Board’s Budget Criteria. After the Board approves its Board Budget Criteria, a tentative budget is prepared for the 校董会 to approve in June. A final budget is prepared in September, after the state has passed its budget and the college has closed the prior fiscal year.

每年, 资源已通过PBA流程分配,并经财务管理部门审查和批准 策划及预算委员会, each of the four administrative areas (Administration, Student Learning and Economic Development, 学生服务, 以及规划研究和组织发展)制定其可衡量的年度成果.  这些目标由总裁批准,并在各领域制定单位计划时,由每位副总裁和总裁审查这些目标的实施进展,作为评估过程的一部分.


学院的 成果评估过程 is designed to support the planning processes. 结果已经确定, 评估, and dialogued about at the Institutional, 项目和课程级别.

成果评估委员会负责监督和协调学院的成果评估工作.  As part of this process, the committee reviews and refines the 结果 评估 Plan Implementation Matrix that serves as the operational portion of the 结果 评估 Plan.  本文件提供了学院当前的策略,以确保其评估机制的重点是改善其教学计划, 学生支援服务, and library and other learning support services.

学院提供了许多评估机制来支持成果评估过程,并为多年综合规划系统(MIPS)和PBA过程的要素发展提供信息. At the institutional level these include:

平衡计分卡.这个文档, which is based on the college’s Progression and Completion Model, 提供了一个正规网赌十大排行在实现其战略方向中确定的成果方面的全球视角.

人口快照. 人口统计快照通过提供有关学院服务区域的信息,为规划奠定了基础, 学生人口, 学生入学模式, 和人员. It also contains the college's environmental scan.

项目评审数据. This provides most of the information required for academic program review.

战略方向检讨. 这个文档, which is available in the 教育总体规划ning Committee page in MyBC, 回顾学院在实现战略方向的倡议和目标方面的进展. It is used by the 教育总体规划ning Committee as it updates 战略方向. 

认证审核. 每年, as part of the college’s ongoing accreditation process, 每个标准(组成部分)的倡导者对学院是否符合其指定的标准(组成部分)进行审查。. 的 result of this review, along with the evidence that supports it, is in MyBC.

调查. 学院进行了几项机构调查,为战略方向和项目审查的审查和改进提供信息. 其中包括:

社区 College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE).

In 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2017 the college administered the 社区 College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). 这项全国标准化的学生调查使学院能够将自己与全国其他大型社区学院在最有可能导致学生成功的领域进行比较. Butte College CCSSE results include:

执行概要.  这显示了我们在五个基准上的整体表现,以及我们在学生参与度方面的五个最高和五个最低的方面.   执行摘要还包括社区学院教师学生参与调查(CCFSSE)的结果摘要。.  We did not take this survey but the overall results for those colleges that did is included.

按注册状况划分的基准.  本节显示了基准调查的结果,并与我们的大型大学比较组和整体CCSSE队列进行了比较.  This information is broken out by enrollment status – full-time and part-time. 

结果及对比分析.  This shows the results by question and compares these with questions asked in previous surveys.  你会注意到, while many of the questions on the survey have changed, the results tend to be consistent. 

认证 Follow-Up Survey (Faculty and Staff). 这个调查, 哪一个每年举行, 提供一些大学过程的有效性信息-主要是在规划领域, 预算, 参与式治理.

评审调查(学生). 这个调查, 哪一个每年举行, provides feedback on student participation on campus, 项目和服务.

完成者及离职者调查. 这个调查, which has been conducted once but is planned to be conducted every three years, 向学院提供项目完成人员和离校人员的反馈,以及过渡到劳动力市场的学生的工资信息. Results are at the 结果 评估 Committee MyBC page in Shared Documents.

报告服务器. 每次请求报表时,报表模板都会在报告服务器中更新,并自动填充报表. 的 报告服务器 includes over 300 reports in the areas of Business Office, 设施, 制度研究, 指令, 调度, 及学生服务. 的 制度研究 area includes reports on Enrollment Management, 群组跟踪, 资金, 项目评审, 和调度.

州学生成功记分卡. 国家学生成功记分卡提供了与学生进步和完成相关的各种指标. 的 校董会 is required to review this information each year.

状态数据集市. 的 DataMart provides a variety of reports in the general areas of Students and Headcount, 课程, 学生服务, 结果, 以及教职员工. 这些数据来自学院半年度的管理信息系统数据提交,包括系统范围的报告以及系统中每个学院的报告.

工资冲浪者. 该工具提供有关学生完成学位或证书三年后的工资信息. Students that transfer are not included. Since the data is obtained through the state Employment Development Department (EDD), 许多完成者被排除在外,因为他们的工资没有向加州政府报告失业保险.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
